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The Number of Calories You Need in Your Meals to Stay Physically Fit

Calories measure the amount of energy that the meal or drink you are taking contains. Your body’s amount of energy depends on your body size, lifestyle, and age.

There are still other factors like hormones and medicines that affect the rate at which you are burning energy. As a result, the ideal intake of calories varies from one person to another. That depends on your body’s metabolism, which is more dependent on the factors mentioned above.

Calories for men and women

It’s recommended that you take about 2,000 calories in a day for women and 2,500 for men. Gender plays a huge role in determining the amount of energy needed in the body. Still, men tend to engage in many physical activities, and hence they need more energy than women.

If your office lunch program, you should aim to provide a variety of meals with adequate or the standard number of calories. If you face challenges with providing various options for lunch, you can order foods for your employees with CaterCow. Their menu integrates various great options for the employees, like corned beef lunches.


Are you wondering how many calories you should take for breakfast? Everyone needs a different number of calories for breakfast, depending on their health status. A typical breakfast should contain about 300 to 400 calories. 

Any breakfast that ranges between 100 and 150 is too low, and you are risking letting hunger build. For instance, you can take a few slices of sprouted grain bread with just half-medium avocado and gain about 350 calories in the morning.


Lunch is a meal that most people take seriously. They don’t realize that most salads are not created equal. Sometimes, a typical lunch dish in a restaurant can contain about 1,000 calories, while you only need about 500 of them during lunchtime.

This can be an ideal grilled chicken salad with an oil-based dressing. So, you should always skip calorie-dense toppings and dictate how much croutons and bacon you would like to pour on your food. 


Any veggie burger may sound like a healthier option for dinner, but they are mostly high in calories. That’s especially if fillers like rice and beans are used. An ideal dinner should give you about 700 calories.

This may be three ounces of pan-seared salmon, saturated spinach, and half a cup of brown rice. Always foods topped with lots of cheese, condiments, or other toppings like the sauteed mushrooms. 

Calories per age

There are a lot of factors based on age that can determine the number of calories you need to take. That’s why figuring out the exact number of calories you should take can be tricky. These factors may include size, sex, and activity level. They are highly attached to age.

Maybe, you can use an online calculator to determine the number of calories you need per your age. As per age bracket, women of 19-30 years require 2,000-2,4oo calories while men require 2,400 – 3,000. Men about 31-59 require about 2,200 to 2,600 calories while they need about 1,800 to 2,200. 

People in fitness classes

Reducing the number of calories you take daily is an effective way of losing weight. If you are trying to lose weight, you should always take a low number of calories to create a deficit. Most people combine eating less with being highly active.

Even when you have considered this, you should ensure that you take enough calories to sustain yourself for that day. If possible, you can restrict your diet to around 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day.

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