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Coping with the Loss of a Family Member in a Truck Accident

It can be very traumatic to lose a family member as a result of a serious accident. If a truck accident caused the death, various parties could be responsible, such as the driver or the company that owns the truck. Depending on the circumstances, the family could recover financial damages from any or all of the parties involved. 

Determine the cause of the accident

After a fatal accident, it is natural to look for answers. Reasonable and important questions to ask relate to what caused the accident, whether it was preventable, and what events led up to it. If the accident occurs due to negligent or reckless behavior and this can be proved, the family of the victim is entitled to compensation. 

Losing a family member as a result of a truck accident where negligence was involved can create many conflicting emotions. Families may feel a need for justice and to prevent such an accident from ever happening again. Semi truck accident lawyers at may use witness testimony or accident reconstruction to illustrate a driver’s actions leading up to and during the accident. 

File a wrongful death suit

Financial reparations won’t bring a family member back but they can help those left behind who face an uncertain financial future. It’s important for families to understand their rights in such a situation and whether they need to file a wrongful death suit. Surviving family members have to take on various financial responsibilities such as outstanding medical bills, funeral and burial costs. If the deceased was a provider, lost wages could be a serious issue.

A wrongful death suit where liability is proven can make the at-fault party or parties responsible for the financial and emotional burden placed on the family of the victim. Accident lawyers from have experience in representing families in fatal accident cases and will ensure that they are properly compensated.

Wrongful death compensation

Wrongful death compensation takes into account not only the financial loss but the emotional loss to the victim’s family as a result of the death. Apart from the financial losses such as having to pay medical bills, funeral costs, etc. the family can also be compensated for a loss of support and companionship. 

There is no way to really quantify the loss of a parent for a child and its effect on a child’s emotional and psychological well-being. Loss of companionship is also a highly subjective claim that often depends on various factors. Experienced lawyers fully understand how to prove guilt and what the victim’s family can claim. 

Other factors to keep in mind

Losing a family member as a result of a truck accident can be very painful and when surviving family members are left with an added financial burden as a result of the loss, it can be very hard for them to recover and cope with their grief

A victim’s family that plans to take legal action after an accident only has two years to file a wrongful death suit from the time of the death. Scheduling an initial appointment with an attorney will inform them of their rights and what they can expect from a case. 

The process typically starts with a demand to the insurance company of the party at fault. The company may respond with a counter-offer. At each step of the way, the family of the victim has a choice to settle or not. Most cases settle outside of court but if no agreement can be reached with the insurance company, the attorney may then file a court motion. 

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